Electro Acupuncture: Pointer Plus Acupuncture Stimulator

Prod. Code: PTRPLUS-LT


Key Features:

·  Fast & Easy

· Effective Pain Relief

· No Needles

· Ability to Self-Administer

· 20+ Years Use History

· Battery & Instructions Included



Allow your body to heal itself with the Pointer Plus electro-acupuncture treatment! The Pointer Plus device is an effective tool for pain relief and management through the mere stimulation of acupressure points on the body and ears.

The Pointer Plus is easy to use handheld point detector for professional or at-home use. With this one little tool, users have the opportunity to receive the incredible health benefits of 5000-year-old Chinese health practices. No needles are involved with this treatment, just the quick and easy application of electronic micro currents.


Detailed Description:

Do you want the amazing health results found with acupuncture, but don’t like having to use needles? The Pointer Plus acupuncture provides the same stimulation as needles, but without the fuss.

This high-quality, no-needles, 6.5″ long handheld electronic unit effectively finds acupressure points and applies stimulation to arouse the body to self-healing.

The Pointer Plus senses small variances in heat resistance of the skin, indicating the location of an accu-point. The flashing light and audible sound alert users to the location of a point that should be treated. Then the device sends 10 Hz of microcurrent electro-acupuncture stimulation to that point.

The overall process is very fast, providing quick relief when and where you need it. With normal use, this tool lasts around 3-5 years, making it a much more cost-effective choice that traditional acupuncture visits.

How does it work?

The Pointer Plus is a handheld; battery powered electronic device with adjustable intensity controls, 10 HZ pulse frequency, interchangeable tips for ear or body, and a spring-loaded tip for consistent pressure. The grounding circuit is made by holding the metal plate on the side of the unit or with the hand grounding pole. Treatments can be applied to yourself or someone else with ease and efficiency.

How long has it been in use?

Although the Pointer Plus acupuncture stimulator is a modern model of the innovative electro-acupuncture devices, similar products have been in use worldwide for over 20 years.

What You will Receive with the Pointer Plus:

The integrated Pointer Plus locator device plus the handheld grounding pole, two interchangeable tips, required 9-volt battery, complete instructions, and a carrying case are all included with your purchase.

Technical Specifications:

Output Channels: one
Frequency: 10 Hz (fixed)
Volts and current: 0 to 22.5 volts, 0 to 45 milliamps
Pulse width: 260 microseconds (µS)
Pulse shape: asymmetric biphasic square wave
Pulse modes: continuous
Skin impedance monitoring: sound and light indication
Frequency indicator: flashing green light
Power source: 9 Volt battery
Size, weight, color: 6.5″ x 1.3″ x 0.9″, 86 gm, Blue & White